„Partner“ Latein - Chancen und Grenzen sprachenvergleichender Grammatikarbeit im Englischunterricht


Stefan Altinger
Keywords: Language Awareness, Crosslinguistic Comparisons, Grammatical Comparisons, English and Latin, Crosslinguistic Language Teaching


English lessons at German secondary schools have been predominantly monolingual for decades, with the focus being on the learners' linguistic actions in real or fictitious communication situations. Linguistic analyzes and reflections that lead to a knowledge-oriented examination of language seem to be neglected in view of this functional approach. The present study shows, from both a theoretical and a practical teaching perspective, how grammatical comparisons between English and Latin can contribute to promoting learners' language-structural thinking in English lessons. Grammatical comparisons are part of a deeper general linguistic education, which is not only related to language awareness and metalinguistic constructs, but also to language learning skills and intercomprehension skills.

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29. April 2024


Copyright (c) 2024 Stefan Altinger

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